Telling Tales – 7-15-24
You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday’s gospel reading is here.
Let’s think back to our gospel story two weeks ago: Jesus was sending his disciples out in twos to proclaim the Good News and heal the sick. Now they’re back – and they have a lot to tell him! The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught.
When we are active in the life of faith – regular in prayer, our awareness tuned to God experiences – we usually have stories to tell. Since 2020, my Christ Churches offer Night Prayers online at 8 pm Monday through Thursday evenings. What began as a way to stay connected during the Covid lockdown has blossomed into a wonderful, brief prayer service each weekday evening, enfolding people from Canada and Connecticut as well as Southern Maryland. (And you are welcome to join too! Here is the link; passcode is LPWay.) Several nights each week we ask “Where have you sensed God’s presence?” Amazing stories of presence, peace, power, and answered prayer often flow.
Our God stories get even more intense when we offer ministry in the name and power of Jesus. In Connecticut, I used to go out with parishioners to downtown locations to offer prayer to anyone who wanted it. One time in Stamford we went to the farmer’s market and loitered where people emerged from shopping. We held a sign reading, “Want A Prayer?” and at the bottom, “Prayer Changes Things” We were only out for about an hour but in that time had close to 20 blessed encounters with people, from a young man with whom we prayed on our way to our spot, who then prayed for us; to a vendor at the market who ran over saying, “I want a prayer!;” to a little boy who came running back to us after we’d prayed with him and his mother, with a look of wonder on his face, saying, “That was good!” It seemed like he wanted more. I’ve had similar encounters in La Plata at a street fair – but only once. We need to get out there!
Jesus is not the only one who likes to hear our stories of seeing God at work through our efforts. They also build up the faith of the people around us to be bolder in their prayers and ministries. And they remind us when we need to remember – for me that can be 30 minutes after the last time I saw God’s power at work. I’m not sure of the neuroscience, but I imagine that a memory that is written down and/ or articulated verbally gets wired into our synapses more sturdily than one we merely note and allow to drift away.
When was the last time you felt God at work through or around you? Have you told someone the story? Start by writing it down so you don’t lose it. Tell God about it. And tell someone else.
If the apostles hadn’t shared their stories with Jesus and each other, they wouldn’t have been told and retold and finally preserved to encourage us. We have God tales to tell – let’s tell them!
© Kate Heichler, 2024. To receive Water Daily by email each morning, subscribe here. Here are the bible readings for next Sunday. Water Daily is also a podcast – subscribe to it here on Apple, Spotify or your favorite podcast platform.
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